Cosmic Intelligence & DNA (Part I)
In this series of articles, the author analyzes and explores the desire of the Absolute for giving self-expressions as many and how it permeates through its manifestations, non-sentient & sentient, in virtually the same manner in various stages of progress. The focus here is on an integrated thought process. The awareness that the ‘God principle’ forms the basic building block in all entities makes the understanding easy. The same thought is repeated over & over in different contexts to reinforce the operating principles in memory and also to establish their relevance from different planes of view. Each being is with unique cosmic imprints. Man & woman are complementary to each other. Embryological and neural anatomical studies support the existence of complementary differences between males and females. One’s innate nature normally replicates only the data of a part of the primordial matter encoded as his DNA that may undergo modifications/mutations over time. However, all are empowered to enliven even the entire cosmic genome of the holistic consciousness when in resonance with the universal rhythm.
Part I of this series of articles contains the following: 1. Introduction; 2. Myths & Facts; 3. Upanishads; & 4. Parabrahmam - primordial source-cosmic nucleus.