Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics
This article was translated from Polish into English by Leane Roffey Line and Jaroslaw Kempczynski
In this article, Sedlak discusses how a living organism is not only an information detector and generator, but is also a transformer of electromagnetic energy. Biological systems generate their own magnetic mediums through a process he calls "dia-par", or diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition. Sedlak proposes that the science of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) can be used to model living bioplasma. He predicts that this model can account for such phenomena as spin-waves, anabolic to catabolic transitions, and redox processes. Such low-frequency biological rhythmic activity can probably be accounted for by MHD mathematics, the proof of which he leaves to future generations. Biological information beyond the physiology of nerves and the endocrine system constitutes open territory in zoology. In the vegetable realm it is a nearly unknown subject. There is no life, however, without internal information. The formation of organized structures and directed functions requires a subtle and efficient system of information. Information from outside is essential to the maintenance of vital processes, as biological systems "feed" on information hence the need to distribute it through the entire system as an energetic resource.
It should be presumed that a common basis for information exists within any biological system, whether animal or vegetable. Biological steering (control) should display the following features: a) it should be instantaneous and generalized; it cannot be a "diffusion" of information through the system, as that would work too slowly; b) capable of receiving every type of information from the environment (electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal, chemical, mechanical, gravitational); c) able to receive selectively the same information over different biological orders of magnitude; d) it must incorporate parts of the organism and the whole at the same time; e) an excess of information must trigger a "switch-off" in the organism; f) it must experience minimal loss and distortion, and therefore insure maximum fidelity of transmission. A living system does not just detect and generate information, it also transforms it. The propagation of information throughout the system is an important question, and the one least studied until now. The subject of interest here will be that of magnetic signals.