Quartz Crystals as a Life Form & Ordinary Computers as an Interface between Quartz Life & Ordinary Life
The considerations of this article were originally inspired by large language models leading to the earlier speculations about whether the computers might be conscious entities in the TGD based quantum ontology (zero energy ontology). Quantum gravitation in the TGD sense would play a key role in guaranteeing quantum coherence even in astrophysical scales. Quite recently, came the realization that microprocessors (MPs) have a size scale .5 cm given by gravitational Compton length of any particle in the gravitational field of the Earth. This led to the question of whether microprocessors (MPs) could be conscious entities. Since MPs are quartz crystals (QCs), this led to the question whether the QCs might be conscious entities able to perform activities analogous to quantum computations. I have already considered this possibility: The key idea is that the generalized Pollack effect kicks the protons of OH molecules appearing as a standard building brick of biomolecules to dark protons at the gravitational magnetic body. OH and O- could define the states of a qubit. This identification modifies the earlier TGD inspired models of the genetic code and the articles give some idea about the evolution of the ideas). The model predicts that the DNA double strand and RNA strand realize 6-qubit dark variants of the genetic code. The ground states of the entangled qubits defining the quantum codons correspond to the chemical codons. Minimum energy states of quantum codons correspond to chemical realizations of the codons. Various symmetries of the code and their violations are understood at the qubit level.