Part II: An Intelligent Face to Evolution: Plant - Exploring the Spatial Forms of the Eukaryotic Cell
Biological evolution follows four levels of development that are progressively delegated toward the emergence of sentient awareness with an increasing step-like capacity to span and integrate events extended in space and time. Plants store the suns energy in an increasing complexity and refinement of Forms. Invertebrates explore Routines of sensitive response. Vertebrates reflect patterns of behavior in conscious Knowledge. Humans can create new Ideas while remaining anchored to lower levels in the four level hierarchy: Idea, Knowledge, Routine and Form. The four levels subsume four self-similar levels within each level such that they are evident within the context of plant evolution as shown in this article with interdependent interplay between all levels in the hierarchy as higher levels emerge. Single celled and multi-celled plant Forms were followed by plants with vascular Routines that allowed them to reach for the sky. The appearance of seeds in gymnosperms demonstrated Knowledge of processes extended in space and time and liberated them from a swampy environment. The flowering plants were essential to the Idea of evolving more sentient life forms in the mammals and birds by providing concentrated food to support their higher metabolic rate. This self similar four level pattern pattern within each level of the hierarchy is explored in successive articles.