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Homeostasis as Self-organized Quantum Criticality

Matti Pitkanen


Cold shock proteins (CSPs) and heat shock proteins (HSPs) have a great deal of similarity and have much more general functions, so it is easier to talk about stress proteins (SPs) having two different modes of operation. The attempt to understand various functions of SPs led to much more general problem: how self-organized quantum criticality (SOQC) is possible? Criticality means by definition instability but SOQC is stable, which seems to be in conflict with the standard thermodynamics. In fact, living systems as a whole are quantum critical and manage to stay near quantum criticality, which means SOQC. This is nothing but homeostasis usually understood as a complex control system needed to keep living systems in flow equilibrium. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) forming the basics of TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) inspired quantum measurement theory extends to a quantum theory of consciousness and living systems and predicts that the arrow of time changes in ordinary ("big") state function reductions. ZEO leads to a theory of quantum self-organization and time reversal means that dissipation in reversed direction looks like extraction of energy from the environment for the observer with standard time direction. The change of the arrow of time transforms critical states from repellers to attractors and makes SOQC possible. SOQC and homeostasis would result automatically rather than being forced. Magnetic body (MB) is another key notion. MB has a maximal temperature known as Hagedorn temperature TH crucial for understanding SOQC and functioning of SPs. TH would relate closely to physiological temperature in biomatter.

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