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Life in Venus? - What TGD says

Matti Pitkanen


Evidence for life in a rather unexpected place - Venus - has emerged. The atmosphere of Venus shows signs of phosphine PH3 - the analog of ammonium NH3-, which cannot be produced by inorganic processes. There are small amounts of phosphine in the Earth's atmosphere and has an organic origin. Same might be true in the case of Venus. Perhaps simple bacterial life is in question. Is it in the atmosphere or somewhere deeper in an open question. TGD based vision about quantum biology suggests several options. The most conservative option suggested by TGD relies on the analogy between H2S and water. The magnetic body (MB) of H2S realizing also dark variants of basic bio-molecules could play the same role as the MB of water. First proto cell membrane would have formed and led to the development of O-S separation so that the interior of the proto cell would have consisted mostly of water allowing ordinary bio-molecules to evolve. One can consider also the replacement O → S occurs in the basic bio-molecules- DNA, RNA, tRNA, and amino acids. This would leave cell membrane as such. A less plausible replacement (O,N,P)→(S,P,As) shifting life downwards along the Periodic Table is also discussed.

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