Emotions & RNA
In this article, I will consider some recent findings related to a connection between RNA, emotions, and learning on basis of TGD based model of music harmony predicting also genetic code and a representation of codons in terms of 3-chords of harmony. Harmony defined by the allowed 3-chords would provide a representation of emotional state - mood. This representation of emotion would also affect the ordinary DNA (also dark analogs of DNA and other basic biomolecules are predicted to realize genetic code) and induce changes in gene expression and in this manner to lead to learning. The mechanism is completely general and should apply only in the case of organisms without nervous system. The first finding relates to a conditioning produced by painful stimuli. What has been found that the RNA of a conditioned snail can induce conditioning in asnail without previous conditioning. Somehow RNA carries information about the pain and transmits it to DNA inducing epigenetic change leading to avoidance behaviour. It is very difficult to image chemical means for achieving this and mood of RNA represented as harmony for music of light is a possible explanation. Second finding is that slime molds, which are monocellulars possessing no neurons, are able to learn by habituation. The natural proposal is that the learning takes place at the level of RNA in terms of the same mechanism as in the case of snails. The third finding relates to the ability of brain to predict futures and to modify the predictions if they fail. It has been conjectured that emotions play a key role. The difference of the real percept with the predicted percept presumably produced by temporal sequences of learned associations is coded by dopamine-ergic neurons and somehow leads to a change of behavior. The proposal is that emotions coded by RNA produced by the comparison induced change, possibly epigenetic, in the expression of DNA leading to a change in synaptic strengths inducing in turn a change of behavior.