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On Dark Variants of DNA, RNA & Amino Acids

Matti Pitkanen


The basic problem in the understanding of the prebiotic evolution is how DNA, RNA, amino-acids and tRNA and perhaps even cell membrane and microtubules. The individual nucleotides and amino-acids emerge without the help of enzymes or ribozymes but the mystery is how their polymers emerged. If the dark variants of these molecules served as templates for their generation one avoids this hen-and-egg problem. The problem how just the biomolecules were picked up from a huge variety of candidates allowed by chemistry could be solved by the resonance condition making possible metabolic energy transfer between biomolecules and dark nuclei. In this article I restrict the consideration mostly to the dark variants of DNA, RNA, and amino-acids. To make progress one must construct a concrete model for the dark nuclei. The basic question is to what p-adic length scales L(k) dark variants of DNA, RNA and amino-acids identified as flux tubes carrying dark proton sequences with 3 entangled protons defining genetic codons correspond. The original hypothesis was that the p-adic length scale assignable to dark DNA is consistent with the radius of ordinary DNA. It however turned out that this implies that the binding energy scale of corresponding dark nuclear physics is too high for biology. Also the assumption that the dark variant of DNA double strand is horizontally scaled variant of ordinary DNA strand excludes this identification since it requires that the horizontal size scale of dark DNA strand is larger than that of ordinary DNA strand. DNA coil has radius of 10 nm and this suggests that dark DNA radius corresponds to the p-adic length scale L(151), where k=151 corresponds to first Gaussian Mersenne prime belonging to the group k=151, 157,163, 167. The primes k>151 would correspond to higher level coilings of DNA. From this hypothesis one ends up to the proposal that RNA, tRNA, and amino-acids correspond to k=149.

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